
Contact Information


Simon Senecal

Post-Doctoral researcher

Simon received his Bachelor in Physics from the University of Paris Sud – Orsay and then initiate a Master of Physics he spent in exchange in the National University of Singapore. Finally he specialized with a unique multi-disciplinary Master: “Cognition, creation and learning sciences” he obtained from the Institute National Polytechnic de Grenoble, in France. After several internships done along his study in different field of science (Astrophysics, Nuclear fusion, Nanophysics, Robotics), he got highly interested by Artificial life, virtual humans in link with cognitive sciences. Also passionate by history, he like changing the scene of his lab by doing sport as natation or Judo, creating strange musical instruments and dancing salsa.

  1. Master in Cognitive, Creation and Learning Sciences

    Institute National Polytechnique of Grenoble, France
  2. Bachelor in Physics

    University of Paris Sud – Orsay