Nadine is one of the most realistic female humanoid social robot around the worldand she looks and act incredibly lifelike—being modelled on Prof Nadia MagnenatThalman. This robot has a realistic human appearance and a natural skinand hair.She has also very realistic hands. Nadine is a socially intelligent robot who is friendly, greets you back, makes eye contact, and remembers all the nice chats youhad with her. She is able to answer questions in several languages, show emotionsboth in her gestures and in her face depending on the content of the interaction withthe user. Nadine can recognize people she has previously met and engage inflowing conversation. Nadine is also fitted with a personality, meaning her mood cansour depending on what you say to her.
Nadine has a total of 27 degrees of freedom(dof) for facial expressions and upper body movements. She can recognise anybodyshe has met, and remembers facts and events related to each person. Nadine is theideal companion whennobody is there. She can assist people with special needs,read stories, show images, put on skype sessions, send emails, and communicatewith the family.
She is part of the human assistive new technology which is badlyneeded as society cannot afford a full time social worker for each person with specialneeds. She can play the role of a personal, private coach always available whennobody is there.
Nadine’s platform is implemented as a classic Perception-Decision-Action architecture. Theperception layer is composed of a Microsoft Kinect V2 and a microphone. The perception includesface recognition, gestures recognition and some understanding of social situations. In regards todecision, our platform includes emotion and memory models as well as social attention. Finally,the action layer consists of a dedicated robot controller which includes emotional expression, lipssynchronization and online gaze generation.
Degrees of Freedom: 27 (7 in the head, 3 in the neck, 3 inthe body, 7(x2) in the arms)Dimensions approx. W551×D886×H1315[mm]Weight approx. 35[kg]
1.Anoop Kumar Sinha, Nadia Magnenat Thalmann, Yiyu Cai. Measuring Anthropomorphism of a New Humanoid Hand-Arm System , International Journal of Social Robotics, pp 1-23, May 2023
2.Zhijie Zhang, Jianmin Zheng, Nadia Magnenat Thalmann. Context-aware personality estimation and emotion recognition in social interaction. The Visual Computer, pp 1-15, April 2023
3.Tian, L., Zheng, J., Cai, Y., Halil, M., Thalmann, N. M., Thalmann, D., & Li, H. (2021). Fast 3D Modeling of Prosthetic Robotic Hands Based on a Multi-Layer Deformable Design. International journal of bioprinting, 8(1), 406. https://doi.org/10.18063/ijb.v8i1.406
4.L. Tian, H. Li, Q. Wang, X. Du, J. Tao, J.S Chong, N. Magnenat Thalmann, J. Zheng, Towards Complex and Continuous Manipulation: A Gesture Based Anthropomorphic Robotic Hand Design, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L) DOI: 10.1109/LRA.2021.3076960, April 30, 2021 (IF: 3.6)
5.Yuyun Cai, Linhao Ge, Jianfei Cai, Nadia Magnenat Thalmann, Junsong Yuan, 3D Hand Pose Estimation using synthetic data and weakly labeled RGB images, IEEE Trans. On Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI), DOI:10.1109/TPAMI.2020.2993627, May 2020 (IF: 17.730)
6.M. Ramanathan, W.-Y. Yau, N. Magnenat Thalmann and E. K. Teoh, Mutually reinforcing motion-pose framework for pose invariant action recognition, International Journal of Biometrics, Vol. 11, No. 2, DOI: 10.1504/IJBM.2019.099014, March 21, 2019
7.Zhijie Zhang, Jianmin Zheng, Nadia Magnenat Thalmann: Real and Apparent Personality Prediction in Human-Human Interaction. 2022 International Conference on Cyberworlds: 187-194
8.Evangelia Baka, Nidhi Mishra, Emmanouil Sylligardos, Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann: Social robots and digital humans as job interviewers: A study of human reactions towards a more naturalistic interaction. Human-Computer Interaction. Technological Innovation: Thematic Area, HCI 2022, Held as Part of the 24th HCI International Conference, HCII 2022, Virtual Event, June 26–July 1, 2022, Proceedings, Part II
9.Nidhi Mishra, Gauri Tulsulkar, Nadia Magnenat Thalmann: Nadine Robot in Elderly Care Simulation Recreational Activity: Using Computer Vision and Observations for Analysis. Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population. Technology in Everyday Living: 8th International Conference, ITAP 2022, Held as Part of the 24th HCI International Conference, HCII 2022, Virtual Event, June 26–July 1, 2022, Proceedings, Part II
10.Z. Zhang, J. Zheng, N. Magnenat Thalmann, Engagement Intention Estimation in Multiparty Human-Robot Interaction, 30th IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN 2021), Virtual, August 08 – 12, 2021
11.Yujun Cai, Lin Huang, Yiwei Wang, Tat-Jen Cham, Jianfei Cai, Junsong Yuan, Ju Liu, Xu Yang, Yiheng Zhu, Xiaohui Shen, Ding Liu, Jing Liu, Nadia Magnenat Thalmann’, Learning progressive joint propagation for human motion prediction, European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV’20), August 2020
12.Tian Li, N. Thalmann, D. Thalmann and J. Zheng, Design of a Highly Biomimetic and Fully-Actuated Robotic Finger, The 2019 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (IEEE SSCI 2019), Xiamen, China, December 06 – 09, 2019
13.Y. Cai, L. Ge, J. Liu, J. Cai, T.-J. Cham, J. Yuan and N. Magnenat Thalmann, “Exploiting Spatial-temporal Relationships for 3D Pose Estimation via Graph Convolutional Networks”, International Conference on Computer Vision, (ICCV’19), Seoul, South Korea, October 27 – November 02, 2019
14.H. Ding, X. Jiang, A. Liu, N. Thalmann and G. Wang, Boundary-Aware Feature Propagation for Scene Segmentation, International Conference on Computer Vision, (ICCV’19), Seoul, South Korea, October 27 – November 02, 2019
15.L. Tian, J. Liu, N. Magnenat Thalmann, D. Thalmann and J. Zheng, Design of a Flexible Articulated Robotic Hand for a Humanoid Robot, 2019 IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids), Toronto, Canada, October 15 – 17, 2019
16.Vishwanath, A. Singh, J. Dauwels, Y. H. V. Chua and N. Magnenat Thalmann, Humanoid co-workers:How is it like to work with a robot ?, 28th IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human InteractiveCommunication (Ro-Man 2019), New Delhi, India, October 14 – 18, 2019
17.N. Mishra, M. Ramanathan, R. Satapathy, E. Cambria and N. Magnenat Thalmann, Can a Humanoid Robot be part of Organizational Work Force? A User Study leveraging on Sentiment Analysis, 28thIEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (Ro-Man 2019), New Delhi, India, October 14 – 18, 2019
18.M. Ramanathan, N. Mishra and N. Magnenat Thalmann, Nadine Humanoid Social Robotics Platform, Proceedings of the 36th Computer Graphics International (CGI 2019), Springer, Calgary, Canada, June 17– 20, 2019
19.E. Baka, A. Vishnawath, N. Mishra, G. Vleioras and N. Magnenat Thalmann, “Am I Talking to a Human or a Robot?”: A Preliminary Study of Human’s Perception in Human-Humanoid Interaction and Its Effects in Cognitive and Emotional States, Proceedings of the 36th Computer Graphics International (CGI 2019), Springer, Calgary, Canada, June 17 – 20, 2019
20.L. Tian, N. Magnenat Thalmann, D. Thalmann, Z. Fang and J. Zheng, Object Grasping of Humanoid Robot Based on YOLO, Proceedings of the 36th Computer Graphics International (CGI 2019), Springer,Calgary, Canada, June 17 – 20, 2019
Press Releases
Retail News Asia, 05 Aug 2019
300+ top industry leaders from the AI community came together to share their insights on how AI is transcending as a core enabling technology that can power multiple sectors.
OCBC Bank co-designs programme to groom 200 data scientists and analysts
Human Resources, 09 Jul 2019
The programme was unveiled during OCBC Bank’s two-day Future Smart Learning Festival on 8-9 July themed Future Smart, Future Workforce. Held at the OCBC Campus, the event is expected to be attended by more than 2,000 employees across the OCBC Group. At the launch of this year’s learning festival, Group CEO Samuel Tsien interacted with Nadine, the humanoid social robot.
Nadine, el robot que muy pronto estará presente en residencias del mundo entero
65ymas.com, 09 Jun 2019
“La finalidad de este proyecto es llegar a casa y que haya un robot que no sólo sea capaz de socializar sino que también ayude en tareas domésticas", afirma a 65Ymás la directora del Instituto para la Innovación de la Universidad Tecnológica de Nanyang (Singapur), Nadia Magnenat Thalmann. Esta frase, puesta en boca de otra persona, podría ser calificada como demasiado aventurada o propia de un capítulo de Black Mirror pero, dicha por Thalmann, adquiere una dimensión diferente ya que se trata de una de las expertas más competentes a nivel mundial en “robótica social".
Wir Menschen brauchen Hilfe von Robotern
Salzburger Nachrichten, 10 Apr 2019
Nadia Thalmann, eine der weltweit führenden Expertinnen für Robotik, schildert, wieso wir vor Robotern keine Angst haben müssen.
Commentary: Countries are not responding well to automation
Channel NewsAsia, 28 Jan 2019
The 21st century will see increased disruptions to once-stable work life, due to technological progress and the continuing liberalisation of global capital and production.
Meet the trailblazing humanoid robots in AIA Singapore's customer service centres
Singapore Business Review, 22 Jan 2019
Nadine’s four-month internship is a pilot between AIA Singapore and NTU Singapore to explore the use of social robots in Singapore’s insurance industry. It aims to bolster the AI knowledge database through deep learning and gather data on how the public interacts with a robot.
Geo Perspektive 2018 Special Issue 13, 5 Oct 2018, German
Einer von etwa zehn lebensechten humanoiden Robotern weltweit.
Who's Driving the AI Revolution in Singapore?
Entrepreneur Asia Pacific, 27 Aug 2018
Nadine is a female AI-powered humanoid social robot is developed by scientists at Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore in 2015. The robot has a strong human-likeness with a natural-looking skin and hair and realistic hands. Nadine is powered by intelligent software similar to Apple’s Siri or Microsoft’s Cortana, and it can be a personal assistant in offices and homes in future.
Commentary: A while more before robots and artificial intelligence run our lives for us
Channel NewsAsia, 13 Jun 2018
In April, NTU engineers succeeded in building a robot that could assemble an IKEA chair. And over the last few months we’ve heard much about “Nadine” – an AI with a human face, designed to respond to human speech and emotions.
Nadine a socially intelligent human looking robot.
stumagz, 04 Jun 2018
Nadine has a Beautiful smile, Brunette hair, Black eyes, soft agile skin, and her own personality too, but i am sorry guys she is not a Human, She is Humanoid created by Singapore scientists at Nanyang Technological University (NTU).
Asia of cooperation will shape this century, says PM Modi in Singapore
India Today, 02 Jun 2018
While strategic cooperation is the focus of the visit, technological partnership and cooperation were also big on India's agenda. Therefore, the prime minister spent a substantial amount of time at the Nanyang Technological University (NTU) where he was given a tour of an exhibition on their latest research and was introduced to their star inventions, 'Nadine' and 'Edgar', the two life-like robots (humanoids).
The researchers demonstrated what these innovations could mean in the progress in the sphere of Artificial Intelligence (AI).
NTU strengthens partnerships in India during Modi visit
Channel NewsAsia Singapore, 01 Jun 2018
During his visit, Mr Modi also planted a Neem tree. This is meant to symbolise the “strong bilateral ties and flourishing of new ideas and partnerships" between India and Singapore, according to the news release.
21st century for Asians, PM Modi in Singapore
DailyHunt, 01 Jun 2018
NTU's latest research that included social and telepresence robots Nadine and Edgar, Made in NTU satellites, Singapore's first 3D printed eco-car and a 3D printed toilet and other displays including the healthcare applications, AI-driven games and aging-in-place technologies, were seen by PM Narendra Modi and his delegation team as part of the tour there.
Day 2 of PM Modi's visit to Singapore
Connected to India, 01 Jun 2018
PM Modi interacting with Nadine, NTU’s humanoid social robot.
El futuro ya está aquí, en la región de O’Higgins
El Tipógrafo, 25 May 2018, Spanish
¿Cómo se verán los robots en el futuro?, ¿podremos diferenciarlos de las personas? Estas fueron algunas de las preguntas que surgieron entre los asistentes de la séptima versión del Congreso del Futuro realizada en Rancagua, mientras Nadia Thalmann, experta en robótica social, presentaba a la audiencia a Nadine, una versión robótica de ella misma, capaz
The Big Read: The rise of artificial intelligence and how lives will forever be changed
Channel NewsAsia, 08 May 2018
Crafted to resemble human-likeness with natural looking skin and hair, Nadine, described by its makers as a social humanoid, greets a person when he enters the room, makes eye contact and remembers his face.
Nadia Magnenat y los avances de la robótica en Singapur
Biblioteca del Congreso Nacional de Chile (BCN), 15 Feb 2018, Spanish
Para la directora del Institute for Media Innovation de la Universidad de Nanyang, el enfoque del país asiático no solo se ha centrado en robótica, sino también en informática y tecnología. Si bien reconoce la necesidad de abrirle paso a las mujeres en profesiones tecnológicas, plantea la necesidad de desarrollar estudios multidisciplinarios.
Nadia Thalmann: “En un plazo de diez o 20 años más, todo el mundo tendrá un robot social"
AméricaEconomía, 19 Jan 2018, Spanish
Profesora y directora del Institute for Media Innovation (INI) en la Universidad Tecnológica de Nanyang, en Singapur, Thalmann ha liderado los avances en tecnología 3D, humanos virtuales y robots humanoides durante los últimos 30 años. Con más de 600 publicaciones y más de 30 premios durante su carrera, la también fundadora de MIRALab, un instituto de investigación de la Universidad de Ginebra, estuvo en el Congreso del Futuro, realizado en Santiago de Chile, donde habló con AméricaEconomía sobre su androide “Nadine".
Congreso Futuro: Desde la automatización y el transhumanismo al mundo cyborg
El Mostrador, 16 Jan 2018, Spanish
Las expertas en Inteligencia Artificial Nadia M. Thalmann y Katja Grace conversaron con el político californiano Zoltan Istvan sobre la posibilidad de vivir en un mundo con robots ultra eficientes. Moderado por el periodista británico Richard Fisher, en el conversatorio se abordaron preguntas éticas y desafíos a la hora de desarrollar este tipo de tecnología
Una nueva revolución de la IA: Robots inteligentes y emocionales, el nuevo componente social
El Mostrador, 10 Jan 2018, Spanish
Experta en computación gráfica y psicóloga, esta científica que creo un robot de sí misma, Thalmann reconoce que es posible generar lazos con un ente no humano, como ocurre en los niños con caricaturas o juguetes, por lo que es necesario recordar en todo momento que un robot es una máquina, por mucho que se pueda llegar a parecer a un ser humano. “Deberíamos tener una discusión a nivel social sobre por qué avanzamos en tecnología. La tecnología debería servir al ser humano y no destruirlo”, sostiene
La “toma de conciencia” es el tema principal del Congreso del Futuro 2018
Innovación.cl, 01 Jan 2018, Spanish
El gran tema de la cita es la toma de conciencia, especialmente en torno a los cambios que se avecinan a la humanidad, desde variadas vertientes que abarcan temáticas relacionadas al cambio climático, edadismo, inteligencia artificial, cuidado de los océanos y resiliencia.
'Human+' exhibit explores the future of humanity, Nadine
The highlight of the exhibit has to be Nadine, one of the most realistic humanoid robots in the world. Created by Nadia Magnenat Thalmann from the Nanyang Technological University, the robot is modeled after her. Nadine is meant to be a companion who can read stories, send emails and talk to people.
HUMAN+ Showcases the Future of Our Species
Indesign Live, 30 May 2017
Sending visitors off is Nadine, a Singapore-built social robot created by (and modelled after) Professor Nadia Magnenat Thalmann, Director of the Institute for Media Innovation (IMI) at Nanyang Technological University (NTU).
Chat With A Female Robot (Who's Made To Look Just Like Her Creator)
8 Days, 27 May 2017
Nadine doesn't just have skin, hair and limbs like you and I, she can engage in conversations, recognise people, and even show emotions. She is programmed today to embody happy emotions (phew!) though her mood can sour depending on what is said to her. Intriguing, but creepy. How do you begin a conversation with a robot? We have no idea either. We wave cautiously to her. She waves back. We decide to go the whole nine yards and quiz on her on everything from pop culture to existentialist questions.
The cyborgs have arrived!
Rosette Media, 22 May 2017
A key highlight at HUMAN+ is the first public appearance of Nadine, one of the world’s most realistic female humanoid robots. Visitors will be able to interact with Nadine, a socially intelligent robot, who can recognise people she has previously met and can engage in conversations. She is living proof of what lies in the forefront of research into assistive technologies that are being developed for people with special needs in Singapore.
“Human+: The Future of Our Species" exhibition held in Singapore
Xinhua News, 18 May 2017
Director of Nanyang Technological University's Institute of Media Innovation Nadia Magnenat Thalmann (R) poses with her robot copy Nadine in the “Human+: The Future of Our Species" exhibition held at the ArtScience Museum in Singapore, May 18, 2017. The exhibition, which will open to public on May 20, presents a future world where the lines between fiction and reality are blurred and shows how our perception of humanity is being transformed by science and technology. (Xinhua/Then Chih Wey)
Conversation with a humanoid robot (Print Edition)
The Straits Times, life weekend, 19 May 2017
Nadine the receptionist sits behind her computer, looking intently at the screen. When a visitor walks into her line of sight, she looks up and waves to him with a smile. She is a humanoid robot that is programmed to remember faces, past conversations and even recognise expressions.
The robot, which was unveiled by Nanyang Technological University in 2015, is one of the exhibits on display at the Human+ exhibition at ArtScience Museum.
Conversation with a humanoid robot (Digital Edition)
The Straits Times, lifestyle, 19 May 2017
Nadine the receptionist sits behind her computer, looking intently at the screen. When a visitor walks into her line of sight, she looks up and waves to him with a smile. She is a humanoid robot that is programmed to remember faces, past conversations and even recognise expressions.
The robot, which was unveiled by Nanyang Technological University in 2015, is one of the exhibits on display at the Human+ exhibition at ArtScience Museum.
Singapore’s receptionist robot makes her public debut at ArtScience Museum’s futuristic show
Channel NewsAsia Singapore, 19 May 2017
The thought-provoking exhibition HUMAN+: The Future Of Our Species also includes the first human cyborg, genetically-modified babies, and artists that perform with robots.
SINGAPORE: Since she started working as a receptionist at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) last year, social robot Nadine’s circle of friends has been limited to students, staff and visitors at NTU’s Institute of Media Innovation. But now, she’s stepping out into the real world and making her public debut at the ArtScience museum’s latest exhibition.
Future babies
The Global Times, 18 May 2017
Director of Nanyang Technological University's Institute of Media Innovation Nadia Magnenat Thalmann poses with her robot copy Nadine in the “Human+: The Future of Our Species" exhibition held at the ArtScience Museum in Singapore, May 18, 2017. The exhibition, which will open to public on May 20, presents a future world where the lines between fiction and reality are blurred and shows how our perception of humanity is being transformed by science and technology.
Staying In Focus with… Professor Nadia Thalmann
In Focus, 13 Apr 2017
Despite having created a robot in her likeness, Professor Nadia Thalmann, a panellist for WIEF’s Global Discourse on artificial intelligent, doesn’t think AI can render humans obsolete.
Habla creadora de la humanoide que trabaja como recepcionista
Las Últimas Noticias, 09 Apr 2017, Spanish
“Ella luce y se comporta como un ser humano. Algunas personas, cuando la ven, no notan la diferencia", cuenta Nadia Thalmann.
Nadia Thalmann, la científica que creó el primer robot social en una versión más joven de si misma
El Mostrador, 28 Mar 2017, Spanish
Lo que parece haber salido de películas de ciencia ficción, ya empieza a tornarse una realidad. La psicóloga, bióloga y química suiza-canadiense ha liderado los avances en tecnología 3D, humanos virtuales y robots humanoides durante los últimos 30 años. Hace dos años creó a “Nadine", el primer prototipo de robot social idéntico a ella misma que tiene personalidad propia, es capaz de reconocer personas, tener emociones y manipular objetos.
Los robots tienen una inteligencia diferente a la de los humanos
El Mercurio, 26 Mar 2017, Spanish
Son capaces de imitar sentimientos, de mantener una conversación y de sonreír, pero les cuesta entender qué hay a su alrededor. En los próximos diez años no será raro verlos cuidando a ancianos y a niños, dice la científica a “El Mercurio".
This Born-In-Singapore Robot Could Soon Be Your Receptionist
RoboAsia, Feb 2017 – Apr 2017 Issue
SINGAPORE: In a black dress, with flowy brunette hair and soft skin, Nadine has her own distinct personality and makes eye contact with you. Not only does she recognise the people she meets, she also remembers past conversations.
Is robotics a solution to the growing needs of the elderly?
BBC News, 17 Mar 2017
The receptionist at the Institute of Media Innovation, at Singapore's Nanyang Technological University, is a smiling brunette called Nadine. From a distance, nothing about her appearance seems unusual. It's only on closer inspection that doubts set in. Yes – she's a robot. Nadine is an “intelligent" robot capable of autonomous behaviour. For a machine, her looks and behaviour are remarkably natural.
Real News, 17 Mar 2017
Nadine began life as a robotic receptionist however Professor Nadia Thalmann believes she could be developed right into a carer.The receptionist on the Institute of Media Innovation, at Singapore’s Nanyang Technological College, is a smiling brunette referred to as Nadine.From a distance, nothing about her look appears uncommon. It is solely on nearer inspection that doubts set in. Sure – she’s a robotic. Nadine is an “clever” robotic able to autonomous behaviour. For a machine, her seems and behavior are remarkably pure.
Roznama Urdu, 17 Mar 2017
Nadine began life as a robotic receptionist however Professor Nadia Thalmann believes she could be developed right into a carer.The receptionist on the Institute of Media Innovation, at Singapore’s Nanyang Technological College, is a smiling brunette referred to as Nadine.From a distance, nothing about her look appears uncommon. It is solely on nearer inspection that doubts set in. Sure – she’s a robotic. Nadine is an “clever” robotic able to autonomous behaviour. For a machine, her seems and behavior are remarkably pure.
Will Nadine Steal My Job? Research Into Social Robot Companions
Social Value & Intangibles Review (SVIR), 26 Feb 2017
Interview with Prof Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann, Director, Institute for Media Innovation, Nanyang Technological University (NTU Singapore)
Emergence of AI in Singapore: Will Robots Take Over Our Jobs?
Epoch Times, 15 Feb 2017
Meet Nadine, a friendly robot receptionist working at the Nanyang Technological University (NTU). The life-like brunette hair robot, contrived by scientists at NTU, was developed using intelligent software similar to Apple’s Siri or Microsoft’s Cortana. The 1.7m tall Nadine was designed to resemble a ‘younger’ doppelgänger of Professor Thalman, one of its creators. She possesses good memory and has her own distinct character, mood and emotions. Not only does she greet visitors, smile, make eye contact and shake hands, but she can also remember your name and your previous conversation with her the next time you meet again.
10 Incredible Robots That Are Inspiring Us To Build The First Artificial Human
Gizmodo Australia, 06 Feb 2017
Developed by researchers at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, Nadine is a social robot that integrates artificial intelligence with super-realistic physical features to dramatic effect. Nadine uses natural hand gestures and head movements during conversation, and her mouth moves when she talks (albeit not that well). She's a prime example of how AI and robotics will converge to create something distinctly human-like.
Vieillir? Jamais sans mon robot
RTS Radio Télevision Suisse, 01 Feb 2017, French
Aujourd'hui déjà, quelques EMS en Suisse romande utilisent des robots comme outils thérapeutiques. Certains robots de compagnie apaisent des angoisses et permettent de réduire certaines médications. C’est même une scientifique genevoise, Nadia Magnenat Thalmann, qui met au point, à Singapour, un robot androïde parmi les plus évolué pour rompre la solitude des personnes âgées. Ce robot qui lui ressemble et qu'elle a appelé Nadia, est capable d’exprimer 22 émotions différentes.
Real or Replica?
Epoch Times, Jan 2017 Edition, Hebrew
Magazine Article discussing about Human Actors being replaced by Robots.
Les progrès de l'intelligence artificielle ont fait émerger une nouvelle génération de robots
RTS Radio Télevision Suisse, 14 Jan 2017, French
Le salon d'électronique de Las Vegas a pris fin. Il est un laboratoire des temps nouveaux. Les robots de la nouvelle génération y ont fait une apparition remarquée.
Nadia und Nadine
SRF Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen, 09 Oct 2016, German
Nadia Magnenat Thalmann hat sich ein Ebenbild geschaffen: «Nadine», die Roboterfrau sieht aus wie ihre Schöpferin und beantwortet Fragen in mehreren Sprachen. «Social Robot» nennt die Schweizerin ihr künstliches Gegenüber, das ihr dereinst als Assistentin dienen soll.
Il Giorno, 08 Oct 2016, Italian
SORRIDE, saluta, stringe mani, prova emozioni e ricorda quello che le viene detto: è Nadine, il robot più 'umano' al mondo, che ha preso servizio come receptionist alla Nanyang Technological University di Singapore, dove è stata progettata e realizzata con le sembianze della sua ideatrice, Nadia Thalmann.
Il Mio Robot Che Non Portra Mai Amare
Grazia Magazine, 05 Oct 2016, Corsican
Nadia Magnenat Thalmann È Ia Scienziata Che Ha Creato Nadine, Un Umanoide A Sua Immagine E Somiglanza. «Parla, Tiene Compagnia Ed È Un Perfetto Assistente», Dice. E Qui Racconta A Grazia Le Possibilità E I Limiti Dl Una Tecnologia Che Sembra Arrivata Dal Futuro
Robot sociali in mostra a Bergamo Scienza
Robotica News, 30 Jul 2016, French
Vi ricordate di Nadine, la social robot costruita a immagine e somiglianza della sua ideatrice? (qui la nostra news se volete rinfrescarvi la memoria). Ci sono delle novità in merito: innanzitutto la presenza al prossimo festival dell’innovazione Bergamo Scienza (1-16 ottobre) di Nadia Thalmann, direttore dell’Institute for Media Innovation della Nanyang Technological University di Singapore, e “mamma” di Nadine.
Could robots replace your job?
Channel NewsAsia, Talking Point, 23 Jun, 9.30pm
The programme explored whether more jobs will be taken over by robots. Prof Nadia Thalman, the Director of NTU’s Institute for Media Innovation, said a robot is a machine embodied in a shape that has some automatic functions, which could be a smart car, a drone or a humanoid. With advances in artificial intelligence, robots can now make decisions and have conversations. The show also featured Nadine, the world’s first most human-like robot that can make eye contact, smile, wave at people and remembers conversations from previous chats. Jobs that could be done by robots in future include receptionists and servers in restaurants.
Singapore eyes a slice of the AI pie
The Straits Times, Digital, 20 Apr 2016
Nadine, a robot receptionist at the Nanyang Technological University (NTU), is staring at the visitor in front of her. “I remember you," she says. “You were here last Saturday."
Pourquoi il est si difficile de créer un robot à l’apparence humaine
Le Monde.fr, 06 Apr 2016, French
Pour fabriquer un robot à l’allure aussi réaliste que Nadine, il a fallu mouler le visage et le corps de Nadia Thalmann et faire fondre une silicone spéciale pour réaliser « l’enveloppe » posée sur le squelette. « C’est manuel, coûteux et ça prend du temps ».
Are We Ready For Human-Like Robots In The Workplace?
Seeker Network, 11 Mar 2016
What if those humanoid robots go rouge? Like Google’s DeepMind software AlphaGo, which learns from its mistakes and surprised its creator? Or perhaps that’s the secret grand plan to deal with the surplus elderly.
Singapore Tonight heads outdoors
Channel NewsAsia, 10 Mar 2016, 10pm
Singapore Tonight will be transmitting ‘live’ from Westgate shopping mall this Saturday. In a preview, the host interacted with NTU’s virtual human Nicole and social robot Edgar from the university’s Institute for Media Innovation. Nicole and Edgar will join the TV hosts in a news segment on Saturday to discuss Singapore’s push to become a smart nation.- Facilitated by CCO.
Look who’s talking now: Nadine the robot
International Business Times, 10 Mar 2016
With her brown hair, soft skin and expressive face, Nadine is a new brand of human-like robot that couldone day, scientists hope, be used as a personal assistant or care provider for the elderly. The 1.7-metretall Nadine was created in the likeness of its maker, Nadia Thalmann, a visiting professor and director ofSingapore's NTU Institute of Media Innovation who has spent three decades researching into virtual humans.Nadine's software allows the robot to express a range of emotions and recall a previous conversation.Nadine is not commercially available, but Thalmann predicted robots could one day be used as companions forpeople living with dementia.
Now you're talking: human-like robot may one day care for dementia patients
Japan Today, 10 Mar 2016
With her brown hair, soft skin and expressive face, Nadine is a new brand of human-like robot that could one day, scientists hope, be used as a personal assistant or care provider for the elderly.
People with dementia could be supported by robots in the future
homecare.co.uk, 09 Mar 2016
Nadine can remember names, faces and conversations. She has soft skin and brown hair, she can smile, change her expressions to show emotions and greet you with a handshake while looking you in the eye when talking.
This 'social' robot could be the face of a revolution in care for children and the elderly
Bailiwick Express, 09 Mar 2016
Friends and colleagues could soon start to take on a radical new appearance, after researchers unveiled a new “social” robot.Nadine, who sports short brown hair and a human face, smiles when you greet her, answers your questions and can shake hands with you.
Robot to Care for Unattended Children, Dementia Patients
Financial Tribune Daily, 09 Mar 2016
The 1.7-meter-tall Nadine was created in the likeness of its maker, Nadia Thalmann, a visiting professor and director of Singapore's Nanyang Technological University's Institute of Media Innovation who has spent three decades researching virtual humans, Reuters reported.
Human-like robot may one day care for dementia patients
The Nation, 08 Mar 2016
With her brown hair, soft skin and expressive face, Nadine is a new brand of human-like robot that could one day, scientists hope, be used as a personal assistant or care provider for the elderly.
Now you're talking: human-like robot may one day care for dementia patients
The Star Online, 08 Mar 2016
With her brown hair, soft skin and expressive face, Nadine is a new brand of human-like robot that could one day, scientists hope, be used as a personal assistant or care provider for the elderly.
Meet Nadine, the 'emotionally intelligent' companion robot
Science Alert, 08 Mar 2016
What will robots look like in the future? Will they retain obvious signs of their artificial nature, or will they seamlessly blend in with people to such an extent that we might have difficulty telling them apart from living, breathing humans?
Human-like robot could help people living with dementia
Metro, 08 Mar 2016
Scientists in Singapore created a robot that could assist patients with cognitive disorder. Nadine is anew brand of human-like robot that could one day, scientists hope, be used as a personal assistant or careprovider for the elderly. The 5-foot 6-inch tall robot was created in the likeness of its maker, NadiaThalmann, a visiting professor and director of Singapore's NTU Institute of Media Innovation who has spentthree decades researching into virtual humans. Thalmann and her team are also working on emotive robotsthat can play with children. The project is still in the early development stage and no prototype isavailable yet.
Also reported by Fox News (US), Toronto Sun (Canada), Huffington Post , News Max (US), Deccan Chronicles (US) and Times of India.
Now You're Talking: Human-Like Robot May One Day Care For Dementia Patients
NDTV, 07 Mar 2016
With her brown hair, soft skin and expressive face, Nadine is a new brand of human-like robot that could one day, scientists hope, be used as a personal assistant or care provider for the elderly.
Now you're talking: human-like robot may one day care for dementia patients
Reuters, 07 Mar2016
With her brown hair, soft skin and expressive face, Nadine is a new brand of human-like robot that couldone day, scientists hope, be used as a personal assistant or care provider for the elderly. The 1.7-metretall Nadine was created in the likeness of its maker, Nadia Thalmann, a visiting professor and director ofSingapore's NTU Institute of Media Innovation who has spent three decades researching into virtual humans.Nadine's software allows the robot to express a range of emotions and recall a previous conversation.Nadine is not commercially available, but Thalmann predicted robots could one day be used as companions forpeople living with dementia.
Robot Companions Being Developed to Help Care for Dementia Patients
Breitbart, 07 Mar 2016
As amazing — and somewhat terrifying — robotic advances lead us toward the replacement of humans in theworkforce, a university in Singapore is focusing on humanoids to help care for dementia patients. HumanoidNadine is both modelled and named after creator Nadia Thalmann, a computer graphics scientist whosimultaneously serves as a Visiting Professor and Director of Singapore’s NTU Institute of MediaInnovation, as well as the founder and head of the University of Geneva’s MIRALab Research Laboratory. Oh,and she holds degrees in Biology, Psychology, and Biochemistry in addition to her Quantum Physics PhD. Shedefinitely sounds like the sort of person who could use a robotic clone of herself, but also the sort thatdoesn’t need one.
'Lifelike Siri' robot with 'moods and emotions' could soon be working in youroffice
Irish Mirror, 07 Mar 2016
An incredible robot that can display human expressions and remember conversations could be a key factorin providing care for elderly dementia patients. The humanoid has been developed with “a personality, moodsand emotions " by a team of scientists – and it could soon be coming to a workplace near you. Nadine hasbeen named after and built in the likeness of her creator Nadia Thalmann and has realistic skin andlifelike hair. This amazing footage shows the robot interacting in an office environment and the team saythey envisage these humanoids being used as PAs in and helping hands at home. The robot, developed by NTUin Singapore, is powered by intelligence software similar to that used by Apple's Siri.
Meet Nadine, the humanoid robot set to become your PA and even care for dementiapatients
The Daily Mail, 07 Mar 2016
'Nadine' is being touted as the next generation of 'social robot'. It has its own personality and couldappear in offices in the future. The 1.7-metre tall Nadine was created in the likeness of its maker, NadiaThalmann, a visiting professor and director of Singapore's NTU Institute of Media Innovation who has spentthree decades researching into virtual humans.
Emotive humanoids may one day care for people with dementia
The Japan Times, 07Mar 2016
With her brown hair, soft skin and expressive face, Nadine is a new brand of human-like robot that couldone day, scientists hope, be used as a personal assistant or care provider for the elderly. The 1.7-meter-tall Nadine was created in the likeness of its maker, Nadia Thalmann, a visiting professor and director ofSingapore’s NTU Institute of Media Innovation who has spent three decades researching into virtual humans.Thalmann and her team are also working on emotive robots that can play with children. The project is stillin the early development stage and no prototype is available yet.
Siri Is Real: A Full-Blown Female Robot May Be Coming To Your Workplace
The Friskey, 07Mar 2016
Inventor Nadine Thalman has just created a lifelike female robot, appropriately named Nadine, that canproduce eerily human-like facial expressions while navigating the world with the same efficiency andcharisma of Siri. Nadine was developed at NTU in Singapore, where she was supplied with similarintelligence software to the widely beloved Siri, and has been initially considered as a potentiallygroundbreaking care taking resource for patients suffering from dementia and Alzheimer’s, who requireconstant interaction and surveillance. Much of the focus with Nadine’s development is that she be anemotionally intelligent robot, well-versed in the ability to simulate humanness through story-telling,laughter, game playing and listening. With these skills developed her potential to be a good caretaker ishigh, as well as the possibility to serve as a helping force in more corporate workplaces.
Creepy humanoid Nadine a social robot that may one day care for the elderly
torontosun.com, 7 Mar 2016
The 1.7-metre tall Nadine was created in the likeness of its maker, Nadia Thalmann, a visiting professor and director of Singapore's Nanyang Technological University's Institute of Media Innovation who has spent three decades researching into virtual humans.
Robot secretaries are a real thing now
New York Post,29 Feb 2016
Meet Nadine: She's a receptionist robot, and she's the future of professional assistance. Not only canshe perform all the duties of a normal secretary, she can have conversations and remember personal detailsabout everyone she meets, all without ever having to take a bathroom break.
Nadine, The World’s Most Human-like Robot Unveiled
i-HLS Israel Homeland Security, 22 Jan 2016
Scientists at the Nanyang Technological University, Singapore have unleashed their latest creation on the university’s campus: the world’s most human-like robot. Nadine, as the robot is called, has soft skin and medium brunette hair just like her creator, Professor Nadia Thalmann. But more than her looks, the most impressive thing about Nadine is what she does: make eye contact, smile, meet and greet guests, shake hands, and even recognise past visitors and engage in conversation with them based on previous exchanges.
Robots Taking Over: A Future Perspective of our Robotic Society
IGI Global, 21 Jan 2016
Modern robots are engineered with the capacity to perceive and interpret human voice variation, facial expressions, and even walking patterns. The incredible technologies designed to record and process this information have revolutionized the future of social robots. Forbes recently published an article on Nadine, the receptionist robot, who was cloned in the image of her creator, Professor Nadia Thalmann.
Meet Nadine, a humanoid social robot created by NTU
Press Telegraph, 13 Jan 2016
Nanyang Technological University (NTU) has unveiled Nadine, a newly developed social robot which can recognise people she has met and remember the conversations she had with people who had spoken to her.
Nadine The Social Robot Unveiled By Singaporean Lab
Ebuzz, 10 Jan 2016
In a move that will be heralded by all those who want the subordination and eventual death of the human race, mankind moved one step closer to annihilation by our robot underlings last week, with the unveiling of Nadine, the social robot, programmed to serve as a sort of physical assistant software, a bit like Siri or Cortana, only with a human-shaped body featuring dull, lifeless hair, and the cold dead eyes of a killer.
Nadine, the ’emotional’ social robot
Star2, 08 Jan 2016
This humanoid is the latest “social robot” – a new generation of robots developed to be used as personalised assistants in the office or as companions for children and the elderly at home.
Meet Nadine, a life-like robot with a personality of her own
Computer world, 08 Jan 2016
“As countries worldwide face challenges of an aging population, social robots can be one solution to address the shrinking workforce, become personal companions for children and the elderly at home, and even serve as a platform for healthcare services in the future," said Nadia Thalmann, a professor at Nanyang Technological University and lead researcher on the Nadia project. “This is somewhat like a real companion that is always with you and conscious of what is happening. So in the future, these socially intelligent robots could be like C-3PO, the iconic golden droid from Star Wars, with knowledge of language and etiquette."
Nadine & EDGAR, The Friendliest Robots You’ll Ever Meet
Asianscientist, 07 Jan 2016
Like any other receptionist, Nadine can look you in the eye, remember your name and recall your previous conversations with her. But do not be surprised if she looks strangely familiar—Nadine is in fact a social robot designed to resemble her creator Nadia Thalmann, a professor at the Nanyang Technological University (NTU Singapore).
New Social Robot Introduced In Singapore
News in English, 07 Jan 2016
A new social robot has been introduced to the public at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. The robot, called Nadine, was constructed by a research team at the university. Nadine has brown hair and a human-like skin. She can talk and act like a human and she even has her own personality. The social robot can show emotions, like anger and sadness and change into different moods, depending on the topics she is talking about.
Nadine, most human-like robot in the world
Press Telegraph, 05 Jan 2016
Her emotions change according to the conversations she has with people. The robot – Nadine, to give its full name – works as a receptionist at Singapore's NTU. The startlingly lifelike “social robot" Nadine is here to remember what you talked about last time she saw you and return your greeting with a friendly hello. Named after its creator, Prof Nadia Thalmann, Nadine is powered by software similar to Apple's Siri, meaning it can act as a personal assistant or companion.
Robot receptionist – Question of the day
Keye TV (CBS), 05 Jan 2016
Nadine works as a receptionist at Singapore's NTU. The only unusual thing about this receptionist is she's a robot. Nadine looks and acts just like a human receptionist. The robot even exhibits personality, moods and emotions. Made to look human, Nadine has long dark hair and is named after its creator, Prof Nadia Thalmann.
Social Robot Nadine Has a Personality
The Telegraph Voice, 05 Jan 2016
Powered by a software technology similar to Apple's interactive interface Siri, Nadine [pictured, above left] talks and acts like a human. Deployed with her own personality, Nadine can use her social intelligence to express emotions and change moods in accordance with the topic and tone of conversation.
Nadine emotional robot debuts in Singapore
Leader Standard, 05 Jan 2016
Her emotions change according to the conversations she has with people. The robot was designed by engineers from the Nanyang Technological University and was revealed this Tuesday in Singapore. The robot, named Nadine, has been employed as a receptionist at the university to test her skills. She has her own personality, memory and emotions.
Mark Zuckerberg Wants To Build His Own Ai Assistant
Newsweek, 04 Jan 2016
Mark Zuckerberg, the Facebook founder, has bigger plans for 2016. He wants to create a personal assistant that runs on artificial intelligence (AI). In a post on his personal page on Monday, Zuckerberg announced his vision for the perfect assistant, “kind of like Jarvis in Iron Man ”—a reference to Marvel superhero Tony Stark’s digital butler. Zuckerberg would be well advised to get in touch with scientists at NTU in Singapore, who announced that they’ve built a “social” robot. The humanoid, named Nadine and powered by technology similar to Apple’s Siri, can recognize people she has previously met and engage in flowing conversation. The developers have also fitted her with a personality, meaning her mood can sour depending on what you say to her. Nadine’s creators hope similar technology could eventually provide companionship and aid to the young and elderly, and “serve as a platform for healthcare services in the future.” Or maybe it could just learn to make Zuckerberg the perfect cup of coffee.
Socially intelligent robot is friendly and remembers all your nice chats with her
Market Business News, 04 Jan 2016
Nadine is a socially intelligent robot who is friendly, greets you back, makes eye contact, and remembers all the nice chats you had with her – she will never forget your name, say scientists at NTU in Singapore. Nadine is not like other robots. She has her own personality, with its unique mood and emotions. She can recognise anybody she has met, and remembers everything that was discussed. She is named after Prof Nadia Thalmann, a Swiss Canadian computer graphics scientist, Director of the Institute for Media Innovation at NTU, and founder and head of the MIRALab Research Laboratory at the University of Geneva. Nadine’s robot cousin EDGAR comes complete with two highly-articulated arms and a rear-projection screen. EDGAR is a telepresence robot – he allows you to be in two places at the same time. EDGAR was created in Singapore by a team led by Assoc Prof Gerald Seet, from the School of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering and the BeingThere Centre at NTU.
Nadine emotional robot debuts in Singapore
ITPro, 04 Jan 2016
Researchers in Singapore have showcased an intelligent robot that can express emotions, just like humans. Scientists at NTU in Singapore say the robot is “socially intelligent" and looks like a real human too. In fact, she was developed to look exactly like her creator, Professor Nadia Thalmann, who said robots like her will be increasingly used in the home and in the office. Researchers also released information about EDGAR, a telepresence robot that can express the gestures of a human operator, including giving speeches where necessary. EDGAR is a real demonstration of how telepresence and social robots can be used for business and education, said Assoc Prof Gerald Seet from the School of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering.
This robot could be your next receptionist
Wired, 04 Jan 2016
You might be thinking how great this receptionist is at her job, and you'd be right – she's friendly, greets you back and even remembers your name and previous conversations when you meet her again. The only unusual thing about her? She's a robot. The robot, Nadine, works as a receptionist at Singapore's NTU. Named after its creator, Professor Nadia Thalmann, Nadine is powered by software similar to Apple's Siri, meaning it can act as a personal assistant or companion.
Nanyang Technological University of Singapore unveils Nadine, a social robot
Malaysia Hardware Zone, 04 Jan 2016
Made to resemble her (or its) creator, Professor Nadia Thalmann, Nadine features synthetic skin and hair to look as human-like as possible. Nadine is called a social robot since she features the kind of artificial intelligence that you’ll find in Apple's Siri and Microsoft’s Cortana.
Meet the first social robot, Nadine
Guru Mavin, 04 Jan 2016
Nadine is now working as the receptionist in the Nanyang Technological University or NTU, Singapore. She is powered with the intelligent software similar to the Apple’s Siri or Microsoft’s Cortana. The software of Nadine has been developed by the scientists of NTU. The robotics has developed so far that a robot can now be used as the personal assistant in office or homes. Nadine is one of them and she is the first one. According to the scientists Nadine can also become the social companion of the youth society. We can expect the intelligent C-3PO robots of the famous Star Wars series in the future.
Nadine, the intelligent robot
Le Matin, 04 Jan 2016
Nadine is part of the generation of robots equipped with own emotions.
Ex Machina? Meet Nadine, A Human-Like Robot With ‘Personality, Mood And Emotions’
Inquisitr, 03 Jan 2016
Scientists in Singapore have created Nadine, the most human-like robot to have stepped on the face of the earth thus far. Nadine is a doppelganger robot who has been named and crafted after her creator, Prof Nadia Thalmann, and was unveiled recently at NTU in Singapore. Not only can you have intelligible conversations with Nadine, she has own her “personality,” “range of emotions,” and “mood swings,” just like any normal human would. Nadine has also been programmed by her creators to recognize faces and remember information.
Meet Nadine, The Emotionally Intelligent Robot
World Report, 03 Jan 2016
Meet Nadine, the emotionally intelligent robot. The robot was designed by engineers from NTU in Singapore. Nadine’s technology is very similar to the one Siri uses, and this enables her to talk and act like a human. Given that Nadine has a personality, she can change her mood and express emotions, according to the subject and the tone of the conversation. A robotics professor from the NTU School of Computer Engineering, Nadia Thalmann, said that Nadine resembles a human companion that is always aware of what is happening and is always with you. Another robot introduced by the same team is EDGAR, who is a robot that can copy the movements of its human user. EDGAR can be controlled from any place in the world that has internet.
Meet Nadine: The human-like robot with personality, moods and emotions
Christian Today, 03 Jan 2016
At NTU in Singapore, researchers have developed a human-like robot that can remarkably show personality, mood and emotions. The humanoid, nicknamed “Nadine," was unveiled last week during a new media showcase at the university. Prof Nadia Thalmann, the robot's creator, explained that Nadine can also perform a skill essential to every receptionist. “She smiles when greeting you, looks at you in the eye when talking, and can also shake hands with you. “Physical social robots such as Nadine are poised to become more visible in offices and homes in future," the professor said. She added that these humanoids can be particularly useful to countries with very few workers, and those that need professionals in the healthcare sector.
Nadine, a hyper-realistic humanoid coming from Singapore
4eRevolution, 03 Jan 2016
The Japanese are undoubtedly the greatest lovers of ultra-realistic Humanoids, but researchers are not alone in working on this type of robots. Professor Nadia Thalmann of the Nanyang Technological University (NTU Singapore) develops Nadine, a home of a new robot type. It is able to recognize his interlocutors and has capable AI, according to its designers, to express personality, feelings. The purpose of such a machine coupled with this decidedly realistic appearance is to be a “social robot”, a robot designed to interact with humans.
Nadine, the Social Robot That Remembers You
Stranger Dimensions, 03 Jan 2016
Meet Nadine, a social robot designed by Professor Nadia Thalmann of Nanyang Technological University. This robot, made to look somewhat like her creator, has her own personality. She can greet you, wave her hands, answer questions, and even remember your name and details from previous conversations.
Lifelike robot will remember your conversation with her
Charlotte Observer (Pulitzer prize-winning newspaper), 02 Jan 2016
The friendly Nadine, a “receptionist” at Singapore’s NTU, will greet you back when you say “hello” – and the next time you meet her, she will recognize you, remember your name and your previous conversation with her. adine is the latest social robot developed by scientists at NTU. The double of its creator, Prof Nadia Thalmann, Nadine is powered by intelligent software similar to Apple’s Siri or Microsoft’s Cortana. Nadine could be a personal assistant in offices and homes in the future, as well as a social companion for the young and the elderly.
New Social Robot Nadine Has a Personality
CIO Today, 02 Jan 2016
Engineers at NTU in Singapore unveiled an emotionally intelligent robot. The robot, named Nadine, has been employed as a receptionist at the university to test her skills. This is somewhat like a real companion that is always with you and conscious of what is happening, said Nadia Thalmann, a robotics professor NTU's School of Computer Engineering. In the future social robots like Nadine could become office assistants or serve as companions and caretakers for the children and the elderly at home. Thalmann and her colleagues also introduced EDGAR, a tele-presence robot capable of replicating the movements of its human user in real time. Engineering professor Gerald Seet said EDGAR and robots like him could prove useful in education, business and tourism industries.
Meet Nadine, The New Social Robot Who Will Take Our Jobs
Bustle Magazine, 02 Jan 2016
Robotic technology just keeps getting better, but this newest development might be cause for concern in addition to celebration. Scientists at Singapore's NTU have created a new social robot that will take your job, if you're not careful. “Nadine," as the robot is known, was cooked up in the Institute for Media Innovation to exceed the capacities of other robots who have come before her. It's probably only a matter of time before her capacities exceed yours, too. Professor Nadia Thalmann, suggests that Nadine could be used in the future as an office or personal assistant, or to help provide healthcare services.
Now, a social robot receptionist
The Hindu, 02 Jan 2016
At NTU Singapore, current research on robotics has yielded interesting results. The university now has social and telepresence robots that can interact with people and converse intelligently. The latest example of a social robot that has been developed at the university is Nadine. Prof Nadia Thalmann, creator of Nadine from NTU’s School of Computer Engineering listed these social robots among the media innovations that companies can leverage for commercialisation. Social robots may have a wide range of applications. EDGAR, on the other hand, is a telepresence robot. Such robots can be controlled by a user sitting in a remote location in front of a webcam and the controls.
New Social Robot Nadine Has a Personality
Newsfactor Network, 02 Jan 2016
Engineers at NTU in Singapore unveiled an emotionally intelligent robot. The robot, named Nadine, has been employed as a receptionist at the university to test her skills. Nadine can use her social intelligence to express emotions and change moods in accordance with the topic and tone of conversation, explained Nadia Thalmann, a robotics professor NTU's School of Computer Engineering. For now, Nadine will simply talk to students and faculty at NTU. Thalmann and her colleagues also introduced EDGAR, a tele-presence robot capable of replicating the movements of its human user in real time. Using a webcam, EDGAR can be controlled from anywhere in the world.
Social robot’ Nadine can converse with people, adapt their responses and remember previous conversations
Northern Californian, 02 Jan 2016
There is a terrifyingly lifelike ‘social robot’ called Nadine that looks and acts like its owner. Nadine sits behind the welcome desk at a Singapore university as a receptionist and is causing a stir. The robot has mousy, shoulder-length hair neatly parted sideways.
Social Robot ‘Nadine’
Oneworldnews, 02 Jan 2016
Scientists in Singapore have developed a robot like human-beings. Robot has soft skin, brunette hair and is capable of expressing emotions and gestures like shaking hands and conversing. Researchers said that ” Nadine is a friendly robot, which smile whole greeting you, looks in eyes when talking to you and will remember your name and your previous conservation in the next you meet her. Nadine is different from other robots; she had her own personality she can be happy or sad, depending upon conversation.
Op-Ed: Robot receptionists — The new social robots, and big questions
Digital Journal, 02 Jan 2016
Nadine is a move in robotics which raises a lot of questions. “Social” robots? Many years ago, a friend told me about new Japanese robots which were so lifelike it was almost impossible to tell they were robots. The question was, and remains, what actual use these robots are.
This robot secretary is mind-blowingly lifelike
Hello Giggles, 02 Jan 2016
Just in time for the New Year, scientists at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore unveiled this past Tuesday “Nadine,” a socially intelligent, human-looking robot complete with “her own personality, mood and emotions,”
Robotics Marvels – NTU Researchers develop unique social and tele-presence robots
PerfScience, 02 Jan 2016
Robotics is turning into an exciting field. Researchers at Nanyang Technological University (NTU Singapore) have developed two one of a kind robots- one is a latest humanoid social robot and second one is telepresence robots.
Meet The First Robot With Own Personality: Nadine
Turizmglobal, 02 Jan 2016
Professor Thalmann from Singapore’s Nanyang Technological University and her team worked to create Nadine since 2011 and this four years passing with rigid research between multiple disciplines like engineering, computer science, linguistics, psychology. Then after the huge efforts they create perfect virtual human with soft skin and reacted like human, Nadine.
Introducing Nadine, the robot with a human personality
Recorder Journal, 02 Jan 2016
The latest social robot to make waves and headlines is Nadine, one that was created in the likeness of Professor Nadia Thalmann from Nanyang Technological University (NTU Singapore). The humanoid's look is modeled on that of Nadia Thalmann, the director of the Institute for Media Innovation and a lead developer. Deployed with her own personality, Nadine can use her social intelligence to express emotions and change moods in accordance with the topic and tone of conversation.
AMAZING! Scientists Unveil Human-like Robot With Feeling In Singapore
Global Village Extra, 02 Jan 2016
In an amazing end to 2015, Scientists at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore have unveiled “Nadine,” a socially intelligent, human-looking robot complete with “her own personality, mood and emotions,” according to a university news release. ABC News reports that the humanoid “receptionist” was presented at a new media showcase Tuesday at NTU, where her human creator, professor Nadia Thalmann, predicted that “physical social robots such as Nadine are poised to become more visible in offices and homes in future.”
Nadine, most human-like robot in the world
Fox 5, New York, 01 Jan 2016 (with NTU video)
She can recognize people and emotions. She also has soft skin and flowing brunette hair. Meet Nadine, the most human-like robot in the world. Nadine can be happy or sad, according to scientists at NTU in Singapore.
New humanoid robot ‘Nadine’ revealed
WGN TV, Chicago, 01 Jan 2016
Imagine a robot that looks like a human and can either keep you company or work as your personal assistant. It’s not science fiction. NTU in Singapore unveiled “Nadine,” a humanoid robot that can actually have a conversation, albeit a brief one, with you. The robot is programmed to recognize faces and remember bits of information. Nadine resembles Nadia Thalmann, the Swiss professor who helped develop the robot, which is said to be powered by software similar to what Apple uses for Siri.
Robot ‘Nadine’ tremendously different from conventional robots
The Californian Post, 01 Jan 2016
Nadine, a robotic receptionist at NTU in Singapore (NTU Singapore), is tremendously different from conventional robots as it has her own personality, mood and emotions. Resembling her creator, Prof Nadia Thalmann, an expert in virtual humans and a faculty member at School of Computer Engineering at the university, Nadine is programmed with intelligent personal “assistant” similar to American tech giant Apple’s Siri and software giant Microsoft’s Cortana computer program.
Meet Nadine, a humanoid robot with own personality and feelings
Wallstreet OTC, 01 Jan 2016
Meet Nadine, a humanoid robot with own personality and feelings which was designed by a team of engineers at NTU in Singapore to snatch the job of receptionist from its human counterparts. As soon as you engage in a short conversation with her you can notice that she is really friendly, her mood switches from happy to sad and back depending on the topic, and can recognize your name and give quotes from your conversations next time you see her. Prof Nadia Thalmann, the chief of the team that designed the android, explained that the bot is powered by intelligent software. Thalmann believes that robots should be used in more complex positions than those in manufacturing and logistics.
Meet Nadine, Terrifyingly lifelike ‘Social Robotic’ that looks and acts like its proprietor
Global Viral News, 01 Jan 2016
Scientists at the Nanyang Technological University (NTU) have created a new social robot, which they dubbed as ‘Nadine’. Nadine is a receptionist at the NTU University Singapore and is almost like a human being. She is having soft skin, flowing brunette hair and own personality, mood and emotions. She is completely different from other conventional robots and performs actions much similar to those of human beings.
New social and telepresence robots developed in Singapore
Future Timeline, 01 Jan 2016
Say hello to Nadine – a “receptionist” at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. She is friendly, and will greet you back. Next time you meet her, she will remember your name and your previous conversation with her. She looks almost like a human being, with soft skin and flowing brunette hair. She smiles when greeting you, looks at you in the eye when talking, and can also shake hands with you. Unlike most conventional robots, Nadine has her own personality, mood and emotions. She can be happy or sad, depending on the conversation. She also has a good memory, can visually recognise the people she has met and remember what the person had said before.
For 2016, Social Robots Unveiled
Science 2.0, 01 Jan 2016
Nadine, a friendly human-like robot at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore will greet you back and shake your hand. Unlike conventional robots, the inventors say Nadine has her own personality, mood and emotions, and the next time you meet her, she will remember your name and your previous conversation with her.
Nadine, the world’s most human-like robot, modeled after professor
nytimes, 01 Jan 2016
One of the receptionists at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore is a humanoid robot named Nadine. She has been deemed the “most human-like” robot in the world, and she is able to greet visitors, smile, shake hands, and even recall previous interactions and conversations.
Introducing Nadine, the robot with a human personality
Beacon Examiner, 01 Jan 2016
Engineers at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore have just unveiled an emotionally intelligent robot. The robot receptionist is able to greet visitors and remember their names, and even the conversations they have previously had. To top it all off, she looks nearly like a human being, with a full head of hair and dewy skin. Nadine has the capability of greeting you with a smile and looking in eyes while having a conversation. And she is a humanoid.
Nadine: the emotional robot receptionist
BBC World Service, 31 Dec 2015
There have been some big advances in the field of robotic technology. And here's one: a humanoid robot receptionist called Nadine. Developed by scientists at Singapore's NTU, Nadine is said to have her own personality, mood and emotions. And she is apparently a life-life copy of her creator Professor Nadia Thalmann. The radio clip features an live interview with Prof Thalmann on what applications social robots will have for the future.
Don't Give This Robot Attitude, She'll Throw It Right Back At You
Fortune, 31 Dec 2015
“Nadine” is a prime example of how robots are becoming more lifelike. Robots that can help out around the house haven’t evolved much past mowing the lawn or vacuuming the floor yet. But a new robot that can crack jokes, call for help, and read your mood is now working behind the counter as a receptionist in Singapore. Researchers at NTU presented their latest humanoid robot named Nadine earlier this month. It’s built to act like a companion by answering questions in a more personalized way than automated smartphone assistants like Siri and Cortana. “Nadine is aware of the environment,” says Nadia Thalmann, a computer engineering professor and director of the Institute for Media Innovation at NTU. “Depending on what you say she can be more mad or more pleasant.”
Nadine – a lifelike robot engineered to look similar to her creator by Singapore university
The Times Gazette, 31 Dec 2015
Nadine is a social robot created by NTU Singapore and powered by intelligent software similar to Siri or Cortana. In the future, it is expected that Nadine can be a great companion or personal assistant to the young as well as the elderly. You can see a real conversation between Nadia Thalmann, a professor at NTU who created Nadine, and Nadine herself.
NTU Singapore Researchers develop Humanoid Robot Nadine
Northern Californian, 31 Dec 2015
Nadine- latest humanoid receptionist at NTU in Singapore could be considered as the rise of advanced social robots. She is truly a humanoid, as whether it is remembering your names, your previous conversations, greeting you with smile, shaking hand with you, she can do all. Prof Nadia Thalmann has developed Nadine, which is powered by intelligent software similar to Apple's Siri or Microsoft's Cortana.
Humanoid Doppelganger Robot Nadine Gives People The Jitters
Utah People’s Post, 31 Dec 2015
The latest social robot to make waves and headlines is Nadine, one that was created in the likeness of Prof Nadia Thalmann from NTU Singapore. The Professor, the robot’s creator, has programmed Nadine with intelligent “assistant” software, much like Apple’s Siri or Microsoft’s Cortana. But more than being an intelligent personal assistant, Nadine can also express a range of emotions and moods. However, the controversy isn’t so much related to the human-like appearance of such robots, but to the ethical and moral questions that rise about the way these robots will be used. For instance, how about encouraging an elderly person to share their personal concerns with a robot with a human face?
Chee Chew’s take on Nadine, the companion robot
The Straits Times, 31 Dec 2015
In a comic drawn by Chee Chew in the Straits Times, Nadine is portrayed as having a range of emotions, able to respond to a compliment with a smile and gets upset when insulted.
Nadine: Singapore university creates lifelike robot modelled to look like her creator
ABC News, 31 Dec 2015
A university in Singapore has developed a humanoid robot named Nadine, which looks and feels like a human and has its own personality and emotions. Nadine, a receptionist at NTU, was modelled to look like Swiss professor Nadia Thalmann, who led the robot's development. The robot is intended to be a “social companion" or personal assistant. “This is somewhat like a real companion that is always with you and conscious of what is happening," Professor Thalmann said. The software used to create Nadine could also be made virtual to appear on a television or computer screen, to make a low-cost social companion.
University unveils human looking robot
Sky news, 31 Dec 2015
Singapore's NTU has published footage of Nadine, a robot which closely resembles a human, holding a conversation with Nadia Thalmann, a Swiss computer scientist. Thalmann, a visiting professor at the university, led the team who developed Nadine.
Meet Nadine, a humanoid social robot created by NTU
e27, 31 Dec 2015
Deep in the labs of NTU, Prof Nadia Thalmann has created a robot in her own image — “Nadine”. The robot was unveiled yesterday by NTU’s Institute for Media Innovation. The robot, with her soft skin and brunette hair, not only looks and feels like an actual human being but is capable of remembering people’s faces and past conversations. While she may look highly advanced, the robot is not actually sentient (yet). she is powered by an intelligent software similar to Apple’s Siri. Another humanoid robot, Expressions Display and Gesturing Avatar Robot (EDGAR), was also showcased yesterday. However, unlike Nadine, EDGAR only serves as a physical avatar for humans. The version that was unveiled yesterday is actually the second iteration of EDGAR, dubbed EDGAR 2, which is more independent.
Rise Of The 'Social' Robots: NTU Singapore Unveils Nadine, The Chatty Receptionist
Forbes, 31 Dec 2015
Like it or not, humanoid robots are already among us. Actually, they’ve been around for a while: Turkish scholar Al-Jazari seems to have built a drink-serving waitress that could serve water, and other ‘automatons’, as early as 1200 A.D and there’s evidence that Greek and Chinese thinkers had already designed something akin way before that.
Humanlike, Social Robot ‘Nadine’ Can Feel Emotions And Has A Good Memory, Scientists Claim
International Business Time, 31 Dec 2015
Scientists at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in Singapore have unveiled a new, lifelike social robot named Nadine Forbes reported Thursday. The robot has a humanlike appearance, the ability to be happy or sad and a good memory, researchers have claimed.
Human-looking 'social robot’ revealed by Singapore University
Belfast Telegraph, 31 Dec 2015
The “humanoid” called Nadine was created by Professor Nadia Thalmann at Nanyang Technological University (NTU). An expert in virtual humans and a faculty from NTU’s school of computer engineering, the professor said the latest technological revelation is one of “many exciting new media innovations that companies can leverage for commercialisation.”
Meet Nadine, the Most Human-Like ‘Social’ Robot Created So Far
Nsnbc International, 31 Dec 2015
Nadine is one of many “social robots” that is slated for commercialization. Thalmann explained: “Robotics technologies have advanced significantly over the past few decades and are already being used in manufacturing and logistics. As countries worldwide face challenges of an aging population, social robots can be one solution to address the shrinking workforce, become personal companions for children and the elderly at home, and even serve as a platform for healthcare services in future.”
Meet Nadine, the social robot that can keep you company
Express, 31 Dec 2015
Nadine, you see, has a personality. She can not only hold a conversation, exchanging pleasantries and greetings, but the next time she meets you she will remember that you've met before. When you talk to her she responds with sad or happy expressions depending on what sort of news you have shared. She will pay you compliments too. She can even jig along and mime to Adele's hit song Rolling In The Deep.
Meet human-like social robot 'Nadine'
The Tribune, 31 Dec 2015
Scientists have developed a human-like social robot with soft skin and flowing brunette hair, which is capable of autonomously expressing emotions and gestures like shaking hands and conversing. 'Nadine' is a friendly robot which smiles while greeting you, looks at you in the eye when talking, and will remember your name and your previous conversation the next time you meet her, researchers said. Scientists from the Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in Singapore have developed two social robots — Nadine and a tele-presence robot EDGAR — that can be controlled remotely. Unlike conventional robots, Nadine has her own personality, mood and emotions.
Meet Nadine: Creepy, New ‘Social Robot’ With a Personality
Yibada, 31 Dec 2015
A new humanoid robot named Nadine was developed by scientists and engineers in Singapore that not only looks like a human but also possesses its own personality and set of emotions.
NTU Singapore Develops Impressive Social Robot ‘Nadine’
West Texas News, 31 Dec 2015
A ‘receptionist’ at Nanyang Technological University (NTU Singapore) is completely different from front desk staff kept. Her name is Nadine and is the latest social robot developed by scientists at NTU. Everything is unique about Nadine, which is almost like a human being.
Meet Nadine, the social robot who can give you company
Waltonian, 31 Dec 2015
Scientists unveil the world's most human-like robot, Nadine, with soft skin, flowing brunette hair and capable of shaking hands and conversing. Thalman and the other NTU researchers see a future where social humanoids are in our offices and our homes, able to carry out complex tasks whilst displaying the same warmth and breadth of emotions as humans. She is emotionally and socially compatible with human beings.
This Humanoid Social Robot Hold Natural Conversations
Pddnet, 31 Dec 2015
Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in Singapore, which also has a great arts building, has made just that. Their “Nadine” is a humanoid social robot that looks like a young woman, and can recognize people, remember conversations, and show moods such as happiness or sadness as appropriate to the conversation. It was created by Nadia Thalmann, a professor of computer engineering and the director of the Institute for Media Innovation, and runs on intelligent conversational software.
University in Singapore reveals new ‘human-looking social robot’, comparing it to Star Wars’ C-3PO
Independent, 31 Dec 2015
The “humanoid” called Nadine was created by Professor Nadia Thalmann at Nanyang Technological University (NTU). An expert in virtual humans and a faculty from NTU’s school of computer engineering, the professor said the latest technological revelation is one of “many exciting new media innovations that companies can leverage for commercialisation.”
Nadine social robot looks eerily real
Hot Recent News, 31 Dec 2015
Nadine has a soft skin and half long bruim her. She laughs friendly as they greeted people and she looks on during a conversation in the eyes. However, the comparison continues. Like most people Nadine has its own personality and mood swings. They can be happy or sad, depending on the conversation.
Scientists managed to create a Social Robot
The Monitor Daily, 31 Dec 2015
Meet Nadine, the social robot, created by a team of researchers from the NTU’s Institute of Media Innovation. The scientists managed to create a social robot that can talk, walk and keep you company.
Meet Nadine, the terrifyingly lifelike 'social robot' that looks and acts like its owner and could one day work in your office
Bublbe, 31 Dec 2015
Nadine can simulate happiness and sadness, depending on the situation, and has an excellent memory. Scientists compare Nadines intelligence to Apple's Siri or Cortana from Microsoft. While Nadine only welcomes NTU visitors, scientists hope that further progress in silicon chips, sensors and computers will create a robot companion that can assist in everyday life and at work, as well as perform their own work.
Human-Like Robot 'Nadine' Who Has a 'Personality, Mood and Emotions' Unveiled in Singapore
abcNEWS, 31 Dec 2015
Scientists at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore have unveiled “Nadine," a socially intelligent, human-looking robot complete with “her own personality, mood and emotions."
Singapore Scientists Develop Nadine, An Emotionally Intelligent Humanoid Robot
ValueWalk, 31 Dec 2015
Researchers in Singapore have developed a humanoid social robot with brunette hair and soft skin. The emotionally intelligent robot, Nadine, can remember your name and face if she has met you before, and recall what you talked to her during previous conversations. Nadine looks like her creator Professor Nadia Thalmann of Nanyang Technological University (NTU).
Nadine, World’s Most Human-Like Robot, Might Take Your Job One Day
SPUTNIK, 31 Dec 2015
The most human-like robot in existence, developed by scientists at the Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, has been “hired” for the position of university receptionist. Scientists believe that robots like Nadine will eventually become an active part of humanity’s workforce.
Human-Like Robot 'Nadine' Who Has a 'Personality, Mood and Emotions' Unveiled in Singapore
ABC News, 31 Dec 2015
Scientists at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore have unveiled “Nadine," a socially intelligent, human-looking robot complete with “her own personality, mood and emotions," according to a university news release. The humanoid “receptionist" was presented at a new media showcase Tuesday at NTU, where her human creator, professor Nadia Thalmann, predicted that “physical social robots such as Nadine are poised to become more visible in offices and homes in future."
Scientists Say The Robots Of The Future Are Going To Be Friendly And ‘Chatty’
MTV, 31 Dec 2015
We’ve seen the future — and it’s actually, like, really friendly. Scientists at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in Singapore have debuted a new humanoid robot: a chill, if a bit chatty, receptionist named Nadine. Sitting (un)comfortably on the cusp of the Uncanny Valley, Nadine looks enough like her creator, Professor Nadia Thalmann, for it to be sort of off-putting to robot-skeptics.
Meet Nadine, the social robot that can keep you company
Daily Express, 31 Dec 2015
When we refer to someone as robotic we tend to mean the person seems machine-like, acting without independent thought or emotion. But the arrival of a robot named Nadine means we may have to rethink that definition. Nadine, you see, has a personality. She can not only hold a conversation, exchanging pleasantries and greetings, but the next time she meets you she will remember that you've met before.
Humanlike, Social Robot ‘Nadine’ Can Feel Emotions And Has A Good Memory, Scientists Claim
International Business Times, 31 Dec 2015
Scientists at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in Singapore have unveiled a new, lifelike social robot named Nadine, Forbes reported Thursday. The robot has a humanlike appearance, the ability to be happy or sad and a good memory, researchers have claimed.
Soft-skinned, brunette robot wants to be your friend
New York Post, 31 Dec 2015
A life-like cyborg was unveiled this week by engineers at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore — and is being touted as the first emotionally intelligent humanoid.
Robot ‘Nadine’ Is The First Humanoid With Emotional Intelligence; University Employs Her As A Secretary.
Medical Daily, 31 Dec 2015
Sitting behind the front desk at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, is the first emotionally intelligent humanoid robot, named Nadine. Engineers have employed the robot as a receptionist at the university to test her social intelligence skills, designed to express emotions and change moods in relation to the conversation.
Meet Nadine, the eerily-realistic social robot that works as a receptionist
RedOrbit, 30 Dec 2015
People walking into the reception of NTU Singapore could meet a “receptionist" that's a bit different than they're used to: one that remembers their name and face as well as previous conversations, despite being a humanoid robot. She also looks incredibly lifelike—being modeled on her creator Prof Nadia Thalmann—and boasts flowing reddish-brown hair. However, the most impressive technology Nadine has, her ability to engage in sophisticated human interaction, can operate without the associated human appearance. Also in the works at NTU is a tele-presence robot named EDGAR, which can be controlled remotely by a user anywhere in the world. EDGAR's creator is Associate Professor Gerald Seet from the School of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering and the BeingThere Centre at NTU.
Nadine the social robot takes you straight to 'Uncanny Valley'
Engadget, 30 Dec 2015
The two women in the image above might resemble each other, but one is a humanoid robot named Nadine, made in the likeness of creator Professor Nadia Thalmann from NTU Singapore. Professor Thalmann's robotic doppelganger was developed to become a personal assistant or a companion for kids and the elderly in the future. She believes social robots like her creation could eventually become real-life C-3POs “with knowledge of language and etiquette." Besides the humanoid robot, NTU Singapore has also unveiled a telepresence machine named Edgar. So long as you use a special webcam from your location, Edgar can mimic not only your facial expressions, but also your upper body movements.
Scientists have built a ‘social’ robot with a personality
Newsweek, 30 Dec 2015
Scientists at NTU in Singapore announced they’ve built a robot with the emotional intelligence it could one day use to take over the world. The humanoid named Nadine can recognize people she has previously met, and recall their names and previous conversations. As a test of her abilities, Nadine, who is powered by technology similar to that which runs Apple’s iPhone assistant Siri, is working as a receptionist at the NTU. When a guest comes to the university, Nadine greets them with a firm handshake before engaging in flowing conversation. But, like a human, Nadine has a personality and her mood can sour depending on what you say to her.
Meet Nadine, the Social Robot Who Can Give You Company
NDTV, 30 Dec 2015
Say hello to Nadine, an unconventional robot with her own personality, mood and emotions. She is friendly, can greet you back and remember your name and your previous conversation with her. Powered by intelligent software similar to Apple's Siri or Microsoft's Cortana, Nadine is the latest social robot developed by scientists at NTU Singapore. In future, these socially intelligent robots could be like C-3PO, the iconic golden droid from Star Wars, with knowledge of language and etiquette, said Nadine's creator Nadia Thalmann, professor at NTU.
Say hello to ‘social’ robot Nadine
The Financial Express, 30 Dec 2015
Meet Nadine, a robot developed by scientists at NTU Singapore. Nadine is powered by intelligent software similar to Apple’s Siri or Microsoft’s Cortana. Nadine can be a personal assistant in offices and homes in future. And, she can be used as a social companion for both the young and the elderly. Prof Nadia Thalmann, the director of the Institute for Media Innovation who supervised the development of Nadine, said these social robots are among NTU’s many exciting new media innovations that companies can leverage for commercialisation.
NTU develops social companion robots that mimic humans
Tamil Murasu, 30 Dec 2015
NTU unveiled its new social robot companions which have their own personality, memory, and even express emotions. Meet Nadine, a humanoid robot that looks almost like a human being, with soft skin and flowing brunette hair and smiles when greeting you, and can also shake hands. She has been made to look like the younger self of Prof Nadia Thalmann, the director of the Institute for Media Innovation, who led the development of Nadine. She said, “As countries worldwide face challenges of an aging population, social robots can be one solution to address the shrinking workforce, become personal companions for children and the elderly at home, and even serve as a platform for healthcare services in future.” NTU also revealed its new tele-presence robot named EDGAR which can be controlled remotely using a special webcam from anywhere in the world.
Meet Nadine, the robot receptionist that thinks and acts like a human
The Daily Telegraph, 30 Dec 2015
The world’s most human-like robot has started work as a university receptionist, with scientists predicting such machines will one day become companions for children and the elderly. Unlike conventional robots, Nadine has been given its own personality, moods and emotions. Powered by intelligent software similar to Apple’s Siri, Nadine is the brainchild of the NTU in Singapore and is based on its creator, Prof Nadia Thalmann, the director of the university’s institute for media innovation which led the project. The university also unveiled a telepresence robot named EDGAR, developed by its school of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering.
Introducing Nadine, the world’s most life-like robot
The Sun, 30 Dec 2015
Scientists have invented the world’s most human-like robot that not only looks completely life-like, but can also greet people and initiate conversation. Synth ‘Nadine’ was developed by experts at NTU in Singapore in a project led by Professor Nadia Thalmann. Developers used research and technology from areas such as engineering, computer science, linguistics and psychology in order to create a ‘virtual human’.
New social robot Nadine has a personality
United Press International (UPI), 30 Dec 2015
On Tuesday, engineers at NTU in Singapore unveiled an emotionally intelligent robot. The robot, named Nadine, has been employed as a receptionist at the university to test her skills. Powered by a software technology similar to Apple's interactive interface Siri, Nadine talks and acts like a human. Deployed with her own personality, Nadine can use her social intelligence to express emotions and change moods in accordance with the topic and tone of conversation. This is somewhat like a real companion that is always with you and conscious of what is happening, explained Nadia Thalmann, a robotics professor from NTU's School of Computer Engineering. Thalmann and her colleagues also introduced EDGAR, a tele-presence robot capable of replicating the movements of its human user in real time.
Scientists unveil Nadine, the world’s most human-like robot
International Business Times, 30 Dec 2015
Scientists at NTU Singapore have unveiled the world’s most human-like robot, Nadine, with soft skin, flowing brunette hair and capable of shaking hands and conversing. Inventors believe this will pave the way to new techniques in child and elderly care. Its creator, Prof Nadia Thalmann shared that this invention is like a real companion that is aware of what is happening. As nations face the challenges of an aging population, social robots can be one solution to address the decreasing workforce and can even become personal companions for children and the elderly at home, serving as a platform form for medical care in the future. The university also unveiled Nadine’s robot-in-arms, EDGAR, complete with a rear-projection screen on the robot’s face and two highly expressive arms. A user can control EDGAR from anywhere in the world and through a webcam. It is a real demonstration of how telepresence and social robots can be used for business and education, said Gerald Seet from the School of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering and the BeingThere Centre at NTU.
Scientists develop new human-like social robot ‘Nadine’
Times of India, 30 Dec 2015
Scientists from NTU in Singapore have developed two social robots – Nadine and a tele-presence robot EDGAR that can be controlled remotely, allowing you to interact at a conference without physically being there. Nadine looks almost like a human being, with soft skin and flowing brunette hair. Unlike conventional robots, Nadine has her own personality, mood and emotions. She can be happy or sad, depending on the conversation. The humanoid can be a personal assistant in offices and homes in future. She can be used as a social companion for the young and the elderly, said Nadia Thalmann, the director of the Institute for Media Innovation at NTU who led the development of Nadine.
– Also reported in The Business Standard, Design Products and Applications, Tech 2, Canada India News,
Nadine the social robot takes you straight to 'Uncanny Valley'
MSN, 30 Dec 2015
The two women in the image above might resemble each other, but looking more closely at the one in black might make you feel a bit uncomfortable. That's because she's a humanoid robot named Nadine, made in the likeness of creator Prof Nadia Thalmann from NTU Singapore. Professor Thalmann's robotic doppelganger was developed to become a personal assistant or a companion for kids and the elderly in the future. She believes social robots like her creation could eventually become real-life C-3POs “with knowledge of language and etiquette."
WIRED Awake: Humanoid social robots could be the personal assistants of the future
Wired, UK, 30 Dec 2015
Scientists at Singapore's NTU have developed Nadine, a humanoid robot receptionist who can recognise people she's met, remember what they've said in the past, and display emotional responses. Modelled after her creator, Prof Nadia Thalmann, the robot runs personal digital assistant software similar to Apple's Siri or Microsoft's Cortana and, it's suggested, could serve as a personal assistant in the home or office, or as a companion for the elderly and the young.
Scientists unveil world's most human-like robot
Press TV, 30 Dec 2015
Scientists at NTU in Singapore have created the world's most human-like robot called Nadine. Inventors believe this will pave the way to new techniques in child and elderly care. The robot receptionist is able to greet visitors and remember their names, and even the conversations they have previously had. Nadine is able to smile at visitors and looks into their eyes when talking. She is also able to shake hands with human beings and wave them goodbye. Nadine’s emotions are also changeable, flitting between happiness and sadness depending on the nature of the conversation. She is also a friendly companion for the young and elderly.
Nadine Is A Social Robot That Can Keep You Company
Ubergizmo, 30 Dec 2015
It seems that in Singapore, robotic breakthroughs are starting to become more common. Just recently Ngee Ann Polytechnic unveiled a robot that would help the elderly with their exercises, and now NTU has announced that they have created a robot called Nadine. What makes Nadine different is that while most robots are created to help with tasks like heavy lifting, manufacturing, Nadine was created as a social robot where it can actually help to keep its owner company. The robot will be able to greet people, remember their name, and even remember conversations that they have had with the robot. According to Prof Nadia Thalmann, the director of the Institute for Media Innovation who led the development of Nadine, robots could become personal companions for children and the elderly at home.
NTU Researchers Introduce Their New ‘Receptionist’ Nadine: The Intelligent Social Humanoid
Crazy Engineers, 30 Dec 2015
The day has come when robots and humans are ready to greet each other as colleagues. NTU introduced ‘Nadine’ to the whole world as their new receptionist, who is a rather super intelligent robot which resembles a female human in almost all aspects. For the past few years, Prof Nadia Thalmann at the Institute for Media Innovation, was devoting her time to create a sociable, artificially intelligent Robot that is similar to Apple’s Siri and Microsoft’s Cortana, but unlike them she would have a physical form and appearance. Nadia said their motivation for making Nadine had to do with highlighting complications that could arise in nuclear families. She emphasized that in the current scenario, we need humanoids that can help children and the elderly at home. NTU also unveiled a telepresence Robot named EDGAR that can be controlled even from another corner of the world. It is programmed to project the gestures of its human user. EDGAR can deliver speeches by autonomously acting out a script and with the help of an integrated webcam it can even engage in an intellectual banter with people he meets.
New social robot Nadine has a personality
Breitbart, 30 Dec 2015
On Tuesday, engineers at NTU in Singapore unveiled an emotionally intelligent robot. The robot, named Nadine, has been employed as a receptionist at the university to test her skills. “This is somewhat like a real companion that is always with you and conscious of what is happening,” Nadia Thalmann, a robotics professor NTU’s School of Computer Engineering, explained in a press release. For now, Nadine will simply talk to students and faculty. Thalmann and her colleagues also introduced EDGAR, a tele-presence robot capable of replicating the movements of its human user in real time. Using a webcam, EDGAR can be controlled from anywhere in the world — at least anywhere with Internet. Engineering professor Gerald Seet thinks EDGAR and robots like him could prove useful in education, business and tourism industries.
Human-looking robots are here
WPTZ Burlington, 30 Dec 2015
NTU Singapore published footage on Monday of Nadine, a robot which closely resembles a human, holding a conversation with Nadia Thalmann, a Swiss computer scientist and visiting professor at the university where she led the team that developed Nadine. Nadine is a “receptionist,” according to the university, and “has her own personality, mood and emotions.” If greeted, the robot it will return the greeting and remember the person’s face the next time they meet.
Say Hello to Nadine, a Robot Receptionist With Real Emotions
Details, 30 Dec 2015
There's a friendly new receptionist at NTU in Singapore. Her name is Nadine, and she has a brunette bob, soft skin, and a passion for 19th Century pop music: basically your classic stereotypical receptionist other than the fact that she's a robot. Nadine is the creation (and doppelganger) of Prof Nadia Thalmann, an expert in virtual humans and a faculty from NTU's School of Computer Engineering. She's powered by an intelligent “assistant" software that Apple's Siri or Microsoft's Cortana runs on. But Nadine is capable of many things Siri isn't. We're talking eye contact, smiling, facial recognition, and a broad spectrum of expressible feelings and emotions. In other words, she's probably more pleasant to deal with than anyone you've ever spoken with at Comcast or United Airlines.
Say hi to ‘Nadine’ when you come to NTU
biotechin.asia, (Chinese) 30 Dec 2015
She looks almost like a human being, with soft skin and flowing brunette hair. She smiles when greeting you, looks at you in the eye when talking, and can also shake hands with you. Unlike conventional robots, Nadine has her own personality, mood and emotions. Nadine is a social robot developed by a team led by NTU Prof Nadia Thalmann. Nadine is powered by intelligent software similar to Apple’s Siri or Microsoft’s Cortana. She could be an office assistant or home companion to elderly and children in the future. NTU also developed another two robots, EDGAR 1 and EDGAR 2. EDGAR could mimic human’s movements and expressions of the users .
– Similar articles in ukchinese.com and Sohu.com
Meet Nadine, the Most Human-Like ‘Social’ Robot Created So Far
Investigative Headline News, 30 Dec 2015
Researchers at the Nanyang Technical University (NTU) have created a humanoid robot named Nadine who is quite “friendly”, will remember details about those it meets and even recall the last conversation you had with it.
New social robot Nadine has a personality
UPI, 30 Dec 2015
Powered by a software technology similar to Apple's interactive interface Siri, Nadine talks and acts like a human. Deployed with her own personality, Nadine can use her social intelligence to express emotions and change moods in accordance with the topic and tone of conversation.
Scientists develop new human-like social robot 'Nadine' developed
The Economic Times, 30 Dec 2015
Scientists have developed a human-like social robot with soft skin and flowing brunette hair, which is capable of autonomously expressing emotions and gestures like shaking hands and conversing.
Say 'hi' to Nadine, the companion robot
The Straits Times, 30 Dec 2015
Nadine was one of two robots unveiled yesterday by researchers from the Nanyang Technological University's (NTU) Institute for Media Innovation. Professor Nadia Thalmann, director of the institute and Nadine's creator, believes humanoid robots like Nadine could be a solution for an ageing population and shrinking workforce.
Meet Nadine, the social robot who can give you company
Yahoo News, 30 Dec 2015
Say hello to Nadine, an unconventional robot with her own personality, mood and emotions. She is friendly, can greet you back and remember your name and your previous conversation with her.
Meet Nadine, the social robot who can give you company
Farandu Life, 30 Dec 2015
People walking into the reception of the Nanyang Technological University (NTU Singapore) could meet a “receptionist" that's a bit different than they're used to: one that remembers their name and face as well as previous conversations, despite being a humanoid robot. Named Nadine, the humanoid was developed by professor Nadia Thalmannis, who also directs the university's Institute for Media Innovation. Nadine, for example has her very own personality, moods and emotional highs and lows. The robot will also be a social companion for the elderly and the young.
New ‘social robot’ has an actual personality
Science Recorder, 30 Dec 2015
The machine is named Nadine and has been employed as a receptionist at the university to test her skills. She is powered by software technology that is very similar to Apple’s interactive interfaceSiri. This allows her to talk and act like a human. Nadine The Social Robot Unveiled By Singaporean Lab Ebuzz, 10 Jan 2016In a move that will be heralded by all those who want the subordination and eventual death of the human race, mankind moved one step closer to annihilation by our robot underlings last week, with the unveiling of Nadine, the social robot, programmed to serve as a sort of physical assistant software, a bit like Siri or Cortana, only with a human-shaped body featuring dull, lifeless hair, and the cold dead eyes of a killer.
Meet NTU's robots, Nadine and Edgar
Omy, 30 Dec 2015
SHE may not be sparkly like C-3PO, the golden droid of Star Wars fame, but humanoid robot Nadine glows with a charm of her own. She can hold a conversation, remember what she was told previously and gets angry if insulted. To top it all of, she looks almost like a human being, with a full head of hair and dewy skin.
'Social Robot Nadine' Capable of Complex Thought, Has Personality
University Herald, 30 Dec 2015
“Robotics technologies have advanced significantly over the past few decades and are already being used in manufacturing and logistics. As countries worldwide face challenges of an aging population, social robots can be one solution to address the shrinking workforce, become personal companions for children and the elderly at home, and even serve as a platform for healthcare services in future," Nadia Thalmann, an expert in virtual humans and a faculty from NTU's School of Computer Engineering, said in a press release.
NTU Unveils Nadine, One of Two Robots with Artificial Intelligence Software
The New Paper Online, 30 Dec 2015
NTU has taken Singapore a step closer to having emotive and intelligent robots not unlike C-3PO from the Star Wars movie franchise. Nadine, a new social robot unveiled at the Nanyang Technological University (NTU) yesterday, can look someone in the eye and respond to questions with a range of emotions.
Nadine the social robot takes you straight to ‘Uncanny Valley’
cmdrkeene's Blog, 30 Dec 2015
Professor Thalmann’s robotic doppelganger was developed to become a personal assistant or a companion for kids and the elderly in the future. She believes social robots like her creation could eventually become real-life C-3POs “with knowledge of language and etiquette." For now, she and her team are putting Nadine to work as a receptionist at the university.
Meet Nadine, the social robot who can give you company
Pasion Noticias, 30 Dec 2015
Nadine is a friendly robot which smiles while greeting you, looks at you in the eye when talking, and will remember your name and your previous conversation the next time you meet her, researchers said. Just recently Ngee Ann Polytechnic unveiled a robot that would help the elderly with their exercises, and now Nanyang Technological University has announced that they have created a robot called Nadine.
Singapore’s NTU unveils social robot that ‘could be like Star Wars’ C-3PO’
Malaymail Online, 30 Dec 2015
Nanyang Technological University (NTU) has unveiled Nadine, a newly developed social robot which can recognise people she has met and remember the conversations she had with people who had spoken to her.
Meet Nadine, The human-like social robot with soft skin, flowing hair and range of emotions
TechnoMauri, 30 Dec 2015
Meet Nadine, the human-like social robot with soft skin, flowing hair and a range of emotions – Scientists have developed a human-like social robot with soft skin and flowing brunette hair, which is capable of autonomously expressing emotions and gestures like shaking hands and conversing.
Meet Nadine, the Social Robot Who Can Give You Company
Eequilibrio Informativo, 30 Dec 2015
Deep in the labs of the Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Professor Nadia Thalmann has created a robot in her own image – “Nadine". As nations face the challenges of an aging population, social robots can be one solution to address the decreasing workforce and can even become personal companions for children and the elderly at home, serving as a platform form for medical care in the future.
Meet Nadine, the terrifyingly lifelike 'social robot' that looks and acts like its owner
newsusauk, 30 Dec 2015
Behind the welcome desk at a Singapore university, a receptionist called Nadine is causing a stir. She has mousy, shoulder-length hair neatly parted to the side, remembers what you talked about last time she saw you and returns your greeting with a friendly hello. But there's something unusual about Nadine – she's the latest in a line of so-called 'social robots' that have personalities and emotions of their own.
Say Hello to Nadine, a Robot Receptionist With Real Emotions
Details, 30 Dec 2015
There's a friendly new receptionist at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. Her name is Nadine, and she has a brunette bob, soft skin, and a passion for 19th Century pop music: basically your classic stereotypical receptionist other than the fact that she's a robot.
Nadine the social robotic takes you straight to 'Uncanny Valley'
XENERO, 30 Dec 2015
Professor Thalmann’s robotic doppelganger was developed to turn into a private assistant or a companion for teenagers and the aged sooner or later. She believes social robots like her creation might ultimately develop into real-life C-3POs “with knowledge of language and etiquette.” For now, she and her workforce are placing Nadine to work as a receptionist on the college.
Say hello to 'social' robot Nadine Tri-County Sun Times
Tri-Country Sun Times, 30 Dec 2015
What makes Nadine different is that while most robots are created to help with tasks like heavy lifting, manufacturing, and etc., Nadine was created as a social robot where it can actually help to keep its owner company.
Nadine Is a Robot That Remembers Your Past Conversations, Unlike Your Real Friends
Tech.Mic, 30 Dec 2015
In the future, all of your friends will be dead-eyed, monotone humanoids with questionable haircuts. On the plus side, they'll actually remember when you tell them about your dubious sexual partners and paralyzing fear of the future, unlike your real-life friends, who just toss back another glass of wine and mumble, “Mm-hmm."
Nadine the social robot takes you straight to 'Uncanny Valley'
Technology 2015, 30 Dec 2015
Professor Thalmann’s robotic doppelganger was created to turn into a personalized assistant or a companion for children and the elderly in the long term. She believes social robots like her creation could at some point turn into genuine-life C-3POs “with information of language and etiquette.” For now, she and her team are putting Nadine to perform as a receptionist at the university.
Say hello to 'social' robot Nadine
ABRUZZO, 30 Dec 2015
Next time you meet her, she will remember your name and your previous conversation with her.
Nadine, the Social Robot Who Can Give You Company
90’s Gang, 30 Dec 2015
Nadine, an unconventional robot with her own personality, mood and emotions. She is friendly, can greet you back and remember your name and your previous conversation with her.
This humanoid robot is eerily lifelike
The Next Web News, 30 Dec 2015
Nadine was created to take on the role of a personal assistant or companion. Unlike other robots, this one has its own personality and can experience moods and emotions, depending on the topic of conversation. Pair this with the robot’s soft looking skin, hair and human-like body and you have something quite shockingly lifelike. Nadine is designed to look as much like Professor Thalmann as possible and it really does.
World's 'most human' robot starts work
The Daily Telegraph, 30 Dec 2015
The world’s most human-like robot has started work as a university receptionist, with scientists predicting such machines will one day become companions for children and the eldery. With her soft skin and flowing brown hair, Nadine is able not only to meet and greet visitors, smile, make eye contact and shake hands, but can even recognise past guests and start a conversation based on previous chats.
Nadine the social robot takes you straight to ‘Uncanny Valley’
CmdrKeene's Blog, 30 Dec 2015
The two women in the image above might resemble each other, but looking more closely at the one in black might make you feel a bit uncomfortable. That’s because she’s a humanoid robot named Nadine, made in the likeness of creator Professor Nadia Thalmann from Nanyang Technological University (NTU Singapore). Nadine is loaded with intelligent “assistant" software similar to Siri and Cortana, with her own moods and emotions. She can also remember the people she’d met before and the contents of their conversation.
New social robot Nadine has a personality
United Press International, 30 Dec 2015
On Tuesday, engineers at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore unveiled an emotionally intelligent robot. The robot, named Nadine, has been employed as a receptionist at the university to test her skills. Powered by a software technology similar to Apple's interactive interface Siri, Nadine talks and acts like a human. Deployed with her own personality, Nadine can use her social intelligence to express emotions and change moods in accordance with the topic and tone of conversation.
Nadine the social robot goes right to ‘Uncanny Valley’ – Engadget
Archy Newsy, 30 Dec 2015
Nadine, produced in the likeness of creator Professor Nadia Thalmann from Nanyang Technological College (NTU Singapore). Nadine is packed with intelligent “assistant” software much like Siri and Cortana, together with her own emotions and feelings. She will keep in mind the folks she’d met before and also the items in their conversation.
Nadine the social robot takes you straight to 'Uncanny Valley'
Engadget, 30 Dec 2015
The two women in the image above might resemble each other, but looking more closely at the one in black might make you feel a bit uncomfortable. That's because she's a humanoid robot named Nadine, made in the likeness of creator Professor Nadia Thalmann from Nanyang Technological University (NTU Singapore). Nadine is loaded with intelligent “assistant" software similar to Siri and Cortana, with her own moods and emotions. She can also remember the people she'd met before and the contents of their conversation.
Say hello to 'social' robot Nadine
newkerala.com, 30 Dec 2015
Nadine is powered by intelligent software similar to Apple's Siri or Microsoft's Cortana. Nadine can be a personal assistant in offices and homes in future. And, she can be used as a social companion for both the young and the elderly. A humanoid like Nadine, who looks almost like a human being, with soft skin and flowing brunette hair, is just one of the interfaces where technology can be applied. It can also be made virtual and appear on television or computer screen, and become a low-cost virtual social companion.
Say ‘hi’ to Nadine, the companion robot.
If Only Singaporeans Stopped to Think, 30 Dec 2015
She looks human, chats and can keep kids, elderly company; she even has a temper.
Nadine the social robot takes you straight to 'Uncanny Valley'
CTRLHELP, 30 Dec 2015
Professor Thalmann lookalike has been developed takes to be a Personal Assistant or a companion for children and the elderly in the future. She believes that social robots like their creation finally could be real C-3POs “with knowledge of the language and etiquette.” Now, she and her team at the University as a receptionist to work n set.
NTU scientists unveil social and telepresence robots
Nanyang Technological University, 29 Dec 2015
Nadine is the latest social robot developed by scientists at NTU. The doppelganger of its creator, Prof Nadia Thalmann, Nadine is powered by intelligent software similar to Apple’s Siri or Microsoft’s Cortana. Nadine can be a personal assistant in offices and homes in future. And she can be used as social companions for the young and the elderly.
Scientists unveil social and telepresence robots
PHYS ORG, 29 Dec 2015
Say hello to Nadine, a “receptionist" at Nanyang Technological University (NTU Singapore). She is friendly, and will greet you back. Next time you meet her, she will remember your name and your previous conversation with her.
Singapore: Meet Nadine, the chatty robot that can remember past conversations
Ruptly, 29 Dec 2015
Nadine, a humanoid robot ‘receptionist’ at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in Singapore, is able to greet visitors and remember their names, and even the conversations they have previously had.
Meet Nadine, the terrifyingly lifelike 'social robot' that looks and acts like its owner and could one day work in your office
Daily Mail Online, 29 Dec 2015
Behind the welcome desk at a Singapore university, a receptionist called Nadine is causing a stir. She has mousy, shoulder-length hair neatly parted to the side, remembers what you talked about last time she saw you and returns your greeting with a friendly hello. But there's something unusual about Nadine – she's the latest in a line of so-called 'social robots' that have personalities and emotions of their own.
Three-day meet on contemporary computing and informatics begins
The Hindu, 28 November 2014
Nadia Magnenat, Director, Institute for Media Innovation School of Computer Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, inaugurated the conference. Gerd Hoefner, Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, Siemens Technology and Services, India, was the chief guest and V. Prakash, Director, Research and Development with Innovation, JSSMVP, Mysuru, delivered the keynote address.
Role of virtual machines in teaching discussed
The Times of India , 28 November 2014
Due to the evolution of multimedia sensors and iamge analysis, a lot of data can be tracked today, said Nadia Magnenat, director, IMI, NTU, Singapore, here on Thursday.
“Virtual teacher" for Indian languages in the offing
Deccan Herald, 28 November 2014
An international collaboration for developing a ‘virtual human’, which would allow people anywhere in the world to learn Indian languages, was proposed during the inaugural of an international conference on Contemporary Computing and Informatics held at Sri Jayachamarajendra College of Engineering, here on Thursday.
Intl. Conference on Contemporary Computing begins at SJCE
Star of Mysore, 27 November 2014
Prof. Nadia Magnenat, Director, IMI, NTU, Singapore, this morning inaugurated the 3-day International Conference on Contemporary Computin and Informatics at the Golden Jubilee Hall of SJCE organized under the aegis of SJCE and the Department of Master of Computer Applications of SJCE.